Does the extensive use of computer games really cause aggressive behavior? What are the characteristics of the production process of new media content for newspapers and TV stations? How do companies perform to obtain more media presence without paying for advertisements? In order to answer these and other questions, students of Communication Science (B.A./M.A.), Media Management (M.A.), and Corporate Communication/PR (M.A.) at the JGU Department of Communication follow manifold paths. Due to its numerous groundbreaking studies and publications in national and international scientific journals, the Department of Communication enjoys an outstanding reputation.
The Department of Journalism stands for the analysis of theoretical and practical questions of high relevance to society. Instead of teaching empirical methods just from the book, our lecturers apply them in practice. Courses held by practitioners with teaching assignments further increase the diversity of students' university life.
This socio-scientific education offer is supplemented by application-oriented Journalism (M.A.) and Audiovisual Publishing (B.A. minor). Experienced lecturers from journalistic practice, the small-group-concept of the department, and excellent technical equipment guarantee for the quality of both programs. The M.A. program offers graduates from all academic disciples a scientific and practical education for a universal journalistic career, while the B.A. minor supplements the philosophical and socio-scientific B.A. programs by providing knowledge for a practical handling of audiovisual media.