The Institute of Psychology at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz comprises nine sections:
- Experimental Psychology
- Methods and Statistics
- Personality Psychology and Psychological Assessment (Diagnostics and Psychological Testing)
- Social Psychology
- Developmental Psychology
- Work, Organizational and Economic Psychology
- Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
- Health Psychology and
- Educational Psychology.
In our new facilities we have established a modern environment for psychological research - with a virtual reality lab, EEG, physiological and test laboratories. Seminar and lecture rooms have modern technical equipment allowing computer-assisted learning and working with modern media. Our research is based on all forms of empirical data acquisition methods. Training in Research Method and Diagnostics following the standards of DIN33430 is offered throughout our B.Sc. and M.Sc. program. The B.Sc. program ensures a great student-teacher ratio. At present, Clinical Psychology, Health Psychology, and Work and Organizational Psychology are taught as applied fields of psychology. All of them are continued in our Master's program. At the affiliated psychotherapeutic outpatient clinic you can train as cognitive behavior therapist. The offered apprenticeship can be completed within 3 to 5 years with a psychotherapist license according to the German psychotherapist law.