Can Felix: Bachelor Programme in Communication Studies


Can Felix, 23 years, commnication (B.A.), 3rd semester


"What surprised me the most was the fact that, in my classes, we constantly discuss and refer to current issues. Even when it comes to historical events, the present is always referenced."



Why did you choose to study Communication Studies? What interested or motivated you at the time?

I have always been interested in politics, especially because my family always passionately discusses current affairs at the dinner table. I started being more aware of the role journalism plays in our society, in part because of the current developments in Turkey. It was this aspect in particular that motivated me to study communications, and it remains the most interesting thing for me in this course of studies.

What positively surprised you about this course of studies? What did you not expect?

What surprised me the most was the fact that, in my classes, we constantly discuss and refer to current issues. Even when it comes to historical events, the present is always referenced.

What is special about your degree or course of studies, in your opinion?

For me, Communication Studies is special because it always deals with current issues and is constantly relevant.

What are the particular focus points of your degree and later professional fields?

Apart from journalism, you learn a lot about communications, PR and the media/media systems. My lecturers come from very different occupational fields – there are PR-people, journalists, and media lawyers.

What do you especially like about Mainz as a place to study?

My favorite thing here is the campus. You can almost always find friends or familiar faces, since almost all of the events take place here. After a while, you find your own little spots where you can relax or a secret corner in the library that’s always free. The campus has basically turned into my second home.